OCAD University Dorothy H. Hoover Library

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OCAD U Library does not have the book I need.

2126 views   |   0   0   |   Last updated on Apr 04, 2023   


You have various options:

  • Interlibrary Loans: request books from other libraries through the Omni network. This allows you to request books from university libraries across Canada and many international collections. If the resource you are looking for is not in the Omni catalogue, use the Omni Blank Request form to make your request.
  • Direct Borrowing: with a valid OCAD U ID card, you can sign out circulating books from most other university libraries in Canada, except the University of Toronto libraries.  See: "Borrowing Library Materials: Using Other Libraries."
  • Worldcat.org: A quick way to search many GTA academic libraries, as well as the Toronto Public Library system, is to use worldcat.org.  This search portal is the "world's largest network of library content and services" and allows you to search for books by title, subject or author. When you find a book, click on the title to view the record, then scroll down and add your postal code. Worldcat will show you the closest library that has a copy of the book.
  • Don't forget Internet ArchiveWith millions of open access (OA) books, audio files, videos, software, the "wayback machine" and more, Internet Archive is a significant research tool. Most of the over 2 million books are in the public domain--so published 75 years ago from the current date--; however, more and more current OA books, monographs, anthologies are being uploaded. It works especially well for OCAD U print reference books which cannot be signed out over night by undergraduate students. Always check Internet Archive, as OCAD U has digitized over 300 books for this portal.